Recommendation to Review Employee File Annually

Recommendation to All Faculty to Review Their Employee File Yearly

Due to recent circumstances regarding the disciplining of some of our membership – up to and including termination – your local union leadership is highly recommending to all full time professors, instructors, counsellors, and librarians that you contact Durham College Human Resources to request to see your employee file on a yearly basis.

As a full time employee at Durham College, you have an employee file at HR which is used by the college administration to store all documents regarding your work performance. In recent disciplinary cases at our college, some members of our local were not allowed to view the contents of their employee files unless they first agreed to severe management directives. As a result, these professors’ ability to be advised and protected by their union representatives was severely limited.

For this reason, we urge you, as members of our local, to review your file so that you will have full knowledge of its contents in case management pursues disciplinary action against you.

Article 31 of our collective agreement states the following: “The employee shall receive a copy of any disciplinary notice to be placed in that employee’s file. Where the College or a Board of Arbitration determines that any suspension or written disciplinary notations were without cause, such suspension or written disciplinary notation and grievances arising thereunder shall be removed from the employee’s record.” Additionally, “An employee shall be given access to the employee’s record and shall, upon request, be given a copy of any documents contained in the employee’s record.”