Clarification of OPSEU Dues Deduction & Local Levy – No Changes!

Clarification of OPSEU Dues Deduction & Local Levy – No Changes!

Some members have recently brought to the attention of our Local Executive that the local dues subtracted from our paycheck is more than the .01375 % provided for in the OPSEU Constitution.

The reason for this is as follows:

  • Prior to 1999, our Local had a local levy of $10.00 per full time member and $5.00 per partial load member per pay. In 1999, a dues increase was voted on by the membership (February 22nd, 1999 minutes) of an additional $3.00 for full time members and $1.50 for partial load members. In general, this was to support local costs.
  • You will therefore notice that OPSEU deducts 0.0152 of which the local receives $13.00 per full time member and $6.50 per partial load member

We have managed our local funds well, despite increasing costs over the past 15 years. There is no plan at this time to increase local dues but we do require the monies currently deducted to sustain our current account.