Nicole Zwiers Elected DIVEX First Alternate

Nicole Zwiers Elected DIVEX First Alternate

At the fall, 2014, provincial meetings for the executive leadership of all 24 Ontario colleges, our Chief Steward, Nicole Zwiers, was elected as first alternate for our provincial leadership committee, the Divisional Executive (DIVEX).

The DIVEX is the highest committee for all Union activities for our faculty union, CAAT-A. There are 5 members elected every three years. There are also three alternates elected. If one of the current DIVEX members steps down, Nicole will be the first asked to become a member of the DIVEX.

Nicole was also elected as first alternate to another important provincial body, the grievance scheduling committee.

Nicole’s successful election at the provincial level demonstrate the respect and support she has earned from our colleagues across the 24 Ontario colleges. Importantly, Nicole’s election ensures that our Local has a provincial presence that strengthens our Local and helps to protect our members.