Preference for Internal and Partial Load When Hiring New Full Time Professors

Preference for Internal and Partial Load When Hiring New Full Time Professors

At Durham College, your local union representatives are doing everything in their power to ensure that current “internal” teachers, including specifically partial load faculty, are given preference in all new hiring of full time professors.

When the college chooses to hire a new full time professor, it usually advertises for candidates with advanced-level degrees including Masters-level and Doctorate-level credentials.

Our local union representatives have no problem with advanced-level academic credentials:  however, we feel adamantly that these credentials should not be preferred over those of current, “internal” Durham teachers;  these employees have almost always demonstrated very high levels of competence, loyalty, and dedication.

Article 27 of our current collective agreement notes the requirement for all colleges to prefer internal candidates with acceptable “competence, skill and experience.”

Your Durham College union representatives are prepared to use all resources and actions available to encourage College management to give preference to internal candidates when hiring new full time faculty:  these actions could include discussions with management, tracking of all internal teachers, monitoring college job postings, and ultimately resorting to the grievance process.