CAAT Pension Plan
Promotional support for presentation for OTRFT members
Introducing DBplus: A new defined benefit design for those who work part time or on contract
Designed to meet the needs of other-than-regular-full-time employees, DBplus provides a valuable defined benefit (DB) pension with a fixed contribution rate for members, matched dollar for dollar by employers.
DBplus comes into effect on January 1, 2019, and is designed to pay a higher lifetime pension to members who work other-than-regular-full-time hours. DBplus improves equity between member groups and, if a member moves to full-time employment, easily accommodates the transition back to the current plan design.
Representatives from the CAAT Pension Plan will explain DBplus and what you should know, including:
- What changes under DBplus and what remains the same
- How your pension under DBplus will compare to the current design
- What happens if you become full-time
Sign up today!
If you plan on attending please inform Kelly Doyle:
The session will be offered:
1:15 PM – 2:15 PM December 12, 2018
Whitby campus in the Main Building, Room 123 (Administrative Boardroom).
*Session may be cancelled if there is not enough interest.