Lec 2019 team

Officer  list: Patricia Mongeon  President Deborah Tsagris  Vice President Dave Smith   Chief Steward Bill Chilton  Treasurer Phil  Raby  Secretary   Steward List: Annette Patrick Bryan Jordan Greg Moran Kathleen Flynn …

CAAT Pension Plan

CAAT Pension Plan Promotional support for retirement planning session Meet your pension plan experts for a retirement planning information session How much money do I need for retirement? How much …

What Are You Doing This Reading Week?

What Are You Doing This Reading Week? Your local wants you to know what the Collective Agreement says about what you are required to do during non-teaching periods which includes …

Local 354 Update!

Local 354 Update! LOCAL 354 WINS A WORKLOAD ARBITRATION AWARD (WRA) In summary, two of our members were issued a late SWF. According to Article 11.02 A 1 “the supervisor …