Take Action!

The following information is from the Ontario Labour Council. TAKE ACTION TO KEEP $15 & Decent work. It’s still the law! $15 minimum wage – still the law, coming into …


According to our Collective Agreement, only faculty who have a 4-year Canadian B.A. or equivalent (or a CGA, P.Eng.,CA, or CMA designation, plus some other combinations) are eligible to achieve …

Provincial Task Force Update

Hello Members, I received another update from our Divisional Executive yesterday. They are filing a second Charter about the cancellation of the provincial task force. They are arguing that the …

Divisional Executive

Please click below for the new elected Divisional Executive. https://opseu.org/news/opseus-president-meets-college-faculty  

New Collective Agreement

Click below for the new Collective Agreement. 2017-2021_academic_collective_agreement_final_eng_signed_website