Bargaining Update Video
This is all of our news posts, divided into categories and archived.
Please see the attached open letter from the president of local 354, Durham College. Open letter Aug 21- FINAL (2)
Please click below to read the latest message from the Bargaining Team in response to the Employer’s communication. BTResponsetoEmployerOffer
As you may have heard, our CAAT-A bargaining team has notified the Ministry of Labour that the bargaining team is requesting conciliation. The press release is below: To understand the …
Please click below for the latest Bargaining Update. 2017-07-07 CAAT-A bulletin 3
SUBJECT: Collegial Governance in Ontario Colleges: The Time is Now For the first time in the history of our division, collegial governance, including faculty academic freedom, is the highest-ranked demand …
Please click play below for a short you tube video on Collegial Governance.