Did You Develop a New Course This Spring?

Did You Develop a New Course This Spring? If you developed a new course this spring our collective agreement and its interpretation at arbitration provides that the time for such …

Call Campaign During Non-Swf Period

Call Campaign During Non-Swf Period Some professors have been directed during the non-swf period of May/June to engage in the college’s Call Campaign to contact prospective students this Spring to …

Course Development

COURSE DEVELOPMENT In the past, your time preparing a NEW course development, was granted up to 8 hours on your SWF. Management agreed that the preparation and completion of tests/curriculum, …

Work boot allowance

Work boot allowance Please see Article 24 Health and Safety page 56 – Clause 24.02 B Where the employee in the performance of duties uses safety equipment as required under …

What’s the Purpose of Your SWF Meeting?

What’s the Purpose of Your SWF Meeting? As clarified in our Collective Agreement, all managers are obligated to have a collegial meeting with faculty before issuing a SWF. In other …

To be or not to be…a steward

To be or not to be…a steward By Jan Strickland, Steward, Local 416 In Solidarity Newsletter (for OPSEU Stewards Fall 2014/Winter 2015) Unions play an important part in society. They …