The pending lockdown in Ontario will result in changes to in-person lab and studios.
Here are the rules specifically targeted toward post-secondary institutions:
Post secondary institutions open for virtual instruction, with limited exceptions where in person instruction is required (e.g., clinical training, trades). Subject to physical distancing with limited exceptions in-person teaching (each instructional space at the institution at one time) and in person examinations CANNOT EXCEED 10 PERSONS, with limited exemptions for:
-Diagnostic cardiac sonography and diagnostic medical sonography
-Diagnostic ultrasound
-Medical imaging
-Medical laboratory assistant and Medical laboratory technician
-Medical radiation technology
-Mental health and addictions services, including psychology services, social work services and counselling services
-Personal support worker, supportive care worker, home care worker or a similar occupation
-Pharmacy/pharmacy technician
-Public health inspector, if the program is accredited by the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
-Rehabilitation sciences (nutrition, speech language pathology, occupational science, and physiotherapy)
-Respiratory therapy
Full story on the lockdown here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/covid-19-ontario-december-21-lockdown-orders-1.5849760