Attention all members, you are invited to participate in our virtual Local 354 General Membership Meeting (GMM) on Thursday, April 1st from 2-4 p.m. This important meeting is for our union members only and will be held via Zoom.
Among the items on the agenda for this meeting are:
- Election of vice-president and chief steward for remainder of term
- Updates from the Health and Safety Committee, Workload Monitoring Group and Union College Committee
- News from the CAAT-A bargaining committee
- Equity Working Group update
- Treasurer’s report, audit and budget approval vote
- Executive compensation for summer hours
- Prizes!
If you have an important issue you would like to add to this agenda, please email it to our administrative assistant Valerie at local354info@gmail.com. Items can also be added to the agenda during the meeting, but it will speed things along if we can have them in advance.
As well, members are welcome to submit motions directing the local to take specific action on items. Motions can also be made from the floor but to save time you can go to our website and download a Local Meetings Motion Form and submit it to the local ahead of time.
In order to join the GMM, please RSVP to local354info@gmail.com by Friday, March 26th. A link to the virtual meeting will be sent out to all who RSVP’d on the day of the meeting.
As a reminder, only current members with signed membership cards may participate in official union business. If you are unsure of your membership status or whether you have signed your union card, please contact our office at local354info@gmail.com.
In Solidarity,
Your Local 354 Executive