Have your say at our annual General Membership Meeting Dec. 2

Please join us on Monday, Dec. 2 from 1-3 p.m. for our annual General Membership Meeting (GMM) in SSB 116. This is your chance to voice any questions you may have and help steer the direction of your local for the next year.

Aside from local executive elections, the meeting will feature a presentation on faculty mental health and wellbeing by OPSEU Senior Health and Safety Officer Terri Szymanski. As well, there will be coffee, hot chocolate and snacks.

Following the meeting there will be a drop-in social from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. at One-Eyed Jacks, located at 33 Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa (formerly Shoeless Joe’s).

*Please note that you must be a signed member of Local 354 to attend and vote at the GMM. If you have not signed a union membership form you will have to do so at the door or you will not be allowed to participate. If you wish to sign up before the meeting please contact your local steward or email the union office at local354info@gmail.com.