All schools at Durham College are marshalling their faculty to begin planning our academic response to the decision to cancel face-to-face classes. Some schools have already met, some are offering the opportunity to teleconference in to meetings on Monday, but others are asking faculty to assemble en masse at the college.
As of this writing, other schools are now also exploring a teleconference option as a result of our concerns. Your local executive does not support large meetings and anyone who feels unsafe or uncomfortable attending such a meeting should let their dean know with the understanding that your union is 100% behind that decision. Please let your union steward know if you believe management is not acting in the interest of the health and safety of everyone. If the goal is social distancing for our students, then faculty, support staff and admin personnel should all have the same opportunity to work remotely wherever possible.
As well, as we work toward adjusting our classes to alternate delivery methods, please be aware that this crisis does not give management the right to force you into overtime or abandon our SWFs altogether. Employees are encouraged to document all additional hours worked revising their courses and communicating with students, other faculty and administration. Program coordinators in particular, especially those with many contract faculty, may be under even greater pressure.
Working ourselves to exhaustion in such a stressful situation is only going to cause more health issues for ourselves and others. Be sure to speak with your dean if your workload is increasing too much and please let us know if you feel unsafe or unduly burdened.
Above all, please practise self care and do not come in to work if you are feeling unwell or exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19. You can find all the official updates on the virus and how to safeguard yourself on this Ontario Government webpage.