June 27, 2023 – he Local 354 office closes this week for the summer and will only reopen again August 28th. Because the local executive is on summer vacation as well, we will be monitoring communications, but not actively working unless the need arises.
Any inquiries for the union can be sent to office@opseu354.ca and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Messages left on our office voicemail will not be monitored nor returned for the duration of the break.
If you have a question about our collective agreement, the new one is still waiting to be published, but you can find the previous contract here. Most of the old contract remains intact, notwithstanding the changes provided in the Kaplan Award, which can be found here.
Some updates may also be posted on here and on our social media throughout the summer. Those links can be found at the bottom of this page.
On behalf of the entire local executive committee, we wish you a safe and relaxing summer.
Phil Raby
Local 354 President