Message from Local 354 President Pat Mongeon

To Members of Local 354 Faculty 

As events surrounding COVID-19 continue to rapidly evolve, the college has taken many steps to keep students and employees safe.  

I understand the events and announcements of last few days have caused a great deal of confusion and anxiety for some members. Please know that your Local Executive and Officers have been working non-stop to answer questions the best we can in coordination with the Durham College leadership team, the president’s office and senior management.

As we have all adapted to the constant, sometimes minute to minute, changes of this situation, I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding and I hope we will all support each other and come out of this stronger and better prepared for any future emergencies.

As we all transition to this new reality and different service delivery, know that your Stewards, Officers and I are here to listen and share any questions or concerns you might have in order to stay safe through this pandemic.

Take care of yourselves and family, we will all get through this together.

In Solidarity,


On behalf of Local 354