Over 260 Students: Don’t Give Up Your Money!

Over 260 Students: Don’t Give Up Your Money!

Your union has seen a large increase in the number of faculty teaching more than 260 students. These include any breakout sections for any one course. As an example, see below: you see 75 students for one hour, then 3 breakout sections of 25 students each. This equals 150 students over the seven hours.

As Article 11.01.F2 states, “When a teacher who has more than 260 students in his/her total course load considers that he/she will not have sufficient time to provide appropriate levels of out-of-class assistance, the teacher will discuss the issue with his/her supervisor. …Failing agreement on how best to manage the situation the teacher shall be attributed an additional 0.015hour for every student in excess of 260.”

During your SWF meeting, this is to be a discussion of workload between the dean and the professor. When no agreement is established, you will be granted an additional 0.015 hour for every student in excess of 260. See enclosure 1.

THIS IS THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT! This can add up to hundreds of dollars per month lost, that you should be paid.

For example, if you have 270 students, it equals 10 times 0.015 or 0.15 hour added to SWF.

If you are teaching 300 students, it adds one hour to your SWF (40 x .015 = 0.6 hour per week).

If you are already close to overtime, this added work will put you into overtime. This is paid at 1% of your annual pay per hour.

If you are teaching 300 students, that equals potentially 0.6 hour of overtime per week, adding up to an income of $621 in one 14-week term.



Number of Students                                                    Amount Given Under Complimentary Hours

270                                                                                          0.15/hour/week

290                                                                                          0.45/hour/week

300                                                                                          0.6/hour/week



TABLE TWO: Overtime Per Semester

(If you are at or near overtime–anything over 44 hours–payment is 0.1% of annual pay per hour)

Step                              0.5 of an hour over 14 weeks             1 hour over 14 weeks

Step 10                        $73/hour x 7 hours = $511                $73/hour x 14 hours = $1022

Step 15                        $87/hour x 7 hours =  $609                $87/hour x 14 hours = $1218

Step 21                        $103/hour x 7 hours = $721               $103/hour x 14 hours = $1442