Partial Load Step Calculation

Partial Load Step Calculation

As a result of concerns regarding the dozens of recent hires of partial-load faculty at Durham College, the union local leadership went before WMG, asking for the list of all partial-load faculty and the placements of each of them on the step grid.

As is stated in the collective agreement, Article 26, partial load are assessed a step level based on academic and work experience. However, the union local leadership feels that it is important to sit down with Human Resources to look in detail at the step assessment process (placement and advancement) for partial load faculty to ensure accuracy and consistency.

A request was made to HR to review 5-10 randomly-chosen partial load faculty step placements. This request was made on November 11, 2013. The request was accepted, and as a result, in the near future, the local will send two union delegates to sit down with management to look into the process: afterward, the meeting’s outcome will be reported back to Partial Load faculty.